AI-Powered dynamic marketing for improved customer experience and ROI

Full-Funnel Marketing and Personalisation to Drive Key Metrics

A Data-Driven Marketing Perspective for Reliable Growth

Moving Key Metrics

When trying to drive key metrics, marketers describe their biggest challenges as acquisition and generating revenue lift from marketing activities. But for truly reliable growth, between these stages lie journey moments where marketing and product engagement strategies are needed to reduce churn. Studying these moments can generate the insights that make growth reliable and improve the strength of your funnel.

Clarity on Next Steps

Was the Strategy or the Execution the opportunity for improvement? Marketers need a more reliable, data-driven approach to guide strategy and implementation.
By closing the correlation loop with data, better insights, better actionability and efficiency in execution can be unlocked.

Real-time marketing lets you test strategy and implementation separately. With closed-loop data and the right leading indicator metrics, better next steps can be planned.

Dependencies for Revenue Growth

Real-time marketing and personalisation is a game-changer for data-driven growth. Data capture can support strategy and execution testing. Top quartile businesses bring this voice of the customer into their marketing and product strategy on a real-time basis.

A Structured Approach to Growth

From optimising growth and acquisition costs for mature products, to testing messaging angles for new channel combinations when launching new products, the goal is to develop the structured approach to help you optimise journeys and experience, lower acquisition costs and improve retention. All adding up to improving revenue.

For effective implementation, we map your business metrics to your full-funnel marketing.

Targeting an additional > 5% Growth from the right Martech, used correctly

The right level of data maturity and technology for your needs makes the estimated 5-8% revenue growth target more realistic. The right strategy and implementation support can make the lift from Martech more reliable and speed up time to impact.

Chat with us to learn more about how we make growth simpler with Real-Time Marketing

"To improve acquisition, engagement, activation, retention and monetisation metrics in marketing and product, Webholik Media can help you leverage real-time data for an effective growth flywheel."


the Voice of the Customer and reliable insights


product usage and customer journey

Speed up

implementation and testing


audience behavior using AI


improved and personalised customer experiences


profitability by reducing the cost of acquisition, activation and retention

Making growth simple with our extensive expertise powered by our end-to-end real-time marketing and personalisation automation stack.


Advanced Segmentation

Market Strategy

Value Proposition Design

Gamified Lead Collection

Abandonment Recovery

In-App Messaging

Personalised App Push Notification

Location-Based Targeting

Email Marketing

AI-Powered Content Management System

Digital Asset Management

Value Proposition Design

Let's talk about doing something amazing together.

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